In addition to providing information about individuals while approving loans, recommendations have been made to the Sri Lanka Credit Information Bureau to make provisions for providing a rating report.
That was when the Sectoral Oversight Committee on Alleviating the Impact of the Economic Crisis met in the Parliament under the chairmanship of its Chairman, Member of Parliament Mr. Gamini Valeboda.
Also, the Chairman gave instructions to take necessary steps to inform the public widely about the process of Sri Lanka Credit Information Bureau (CRIB).
The officials of that institution told the commission that they are also focusing on changing the term CRIB in the future.
Accordingly, the chairman gave instructions to target 10 lakh gove ment employees in the year 2024 to start a loan program.
The Chairman of the Committee further advised them to immediately amend their Institutions Act and to appoint a committee to take necessary measures to achieve those goals.