The gove ment has made it compulsory for all local and inte ational NGOs (INGOs) operating in Sri Lanka, including those registered under the Companies Act, to register with the National Secretariat for NGOs.
This directive falls under the Voluntary Social Service Organizations (Registration and Supervision) Act No. 31 of 1980.
Foreign NGOs intending to operate in the country must also register exclusively with the Secretariat. NGOs previously registered under the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007 are required to re-register with the Secretariat, as stated in a notification issued by the Registrar. Organizations operating without proper registration are urged to comply with this mandate immediately.
In alignment with state policies, the Secretariat has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Central Bank of Sri Lanka to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
The registration process requires NGOs to submit relevant documents, which will be reviewed by the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Exte al Affairs, and other line ministries. A temporary six-month certificate will be issued until clearance reports are received.
If the reports are satisfactory, the Director General will issue a permanent registration certificate. However, if issues arise during the clearance process, the registration request will be denied.